Lean business improvement

For Gurg, Lean thinking is all about helping our customers focus on the right activities, in the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantities, while minimising tasks that will add little value in this defined context. We believe that Lean is far more than just a set of tools — we see it more as a philosophy of working to help maximise flexibility, transform businesses, and embrace continuous improvement.

As trusted advisors, Gurg work in close partnership with our customers to enable them to make effective decisions about finite resources. We can help align their services with their customer and stakeholder needs. Gurg take pains to transfer our skills and knowledge to our customers, so that their improvement process becomes fully sustainable, whether our customers are responsible for large-scale transformation projects or a single service review.

Lean business improvement services

  • Business analysis
  • Business process re-engineering
  • Change management
  • Dynamic systems development method (SDM) Agile and Scrum
  • Lean
  • Systems thinking