Business case

Gurg project services work in partnership with our customers to develop business cases that ensure highly successful change projects.

We can provide a full range of capital- and revenue-based business cases from the simplest options appraisal to an extensive multiple cases one. Gurg’s experience in developing business cases to feed into a wide range of grant-funding sources is highly valued and we can tailor the content to fit any audience as required.

Our work encompasses all stages in the process from strategic to commercial (procurement) and management (delivery) cases. We can also review business cases developed in-house to provide an objective challenge, identify gaps, and sanity-check the findings of our customer.

Gurg can if required also deploy a multi-skilled team of advisors to provide insight into wider aspects of change projects. We can go on to help customers implement their initiative, drawing on our broader project management and management consulting services. This sort of adaptability and response stands us apart from many other consultancies.